Proverbs Challenge

May 31, 2020
Proverbs 31

Proverbs Challenge | May 31, 2020

Key Text: Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30

“When a woman is absorbed with God’s glory, she will interpret her life according to His Truth” ― Susan Hunt

A letter to my daughters…

From the moment I laid eyes on your growing form, my heart was captivated. All I could think was Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” God made you wonderfully! From your very first breath until the moment you read this, and beyond, know your dad loves you. You are God’s image-bearer, whom He entrusted to me with great care. And I don’t take that lightly.

In me, I hope that you see God’s heart toward you. The reason I love you has nothing to do with your appearance. Of course, I will call you beautiful and lovely, because you are! But that you are outwardly stunning is a reflection of who God made you to be: loved by Him. Let God’s Word, not the world’s expectation, define you. I pray that in my love as your earthly father, you would catch a glimpse of how your Heavenly Father loves you. And may all your days be lived in the undying and gracious love of God.

Elaine, Vivian, and Hazel, God knew what he was doing when He made me a “girl dad.” I know I’m not perfect in practice, but trust my motive is always to encourage you to fear God and discover His love. Follow me as I lead you to Jesus. Don’t be distracted by the deceptive and fleeting things the world has to say about women. Look to those who have the most invested in you—first, God, then your dad. Become women who fear the Lord!

Love, Dad.
Dave Mergens, Pastor of Adult Ministry

Today’s Challenge: Focus on the eternal rather than the fleeting and deceptive.

Read Proverbs 31

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