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Event Category: Featured

Women’s Craft Day

Alexandria, MN, United States

Women, gather your scrapbooking, quilting, sewing, painting or other craft project and join us for a day of crafting and [...]


Loss of a Significant Loved One Sundays, starting February 16 1:00-3:00 pm  |  Room H100 Enter through Door #6   [...]

Sunday Evening Prayer

Alexandria Covenant Church 4005 Dakota Street, Alexandria, MN, United States

Begin your week refreshed with prayer! Join us for prayer and worship. There will be three segments of guided prayer; [...]

Wednesday Night Meals

Alexandria Covenant Church 4005 Dakota Street, Alexandria, MN, United States

2nd Wednesday/month  |  5:00-6:00 pm  |  Hall Enjoy a meal before Wednesday night activities! Freewill donation. The gym will be [...]

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