August 2021 Newsletter
Celebrate how God has worked through the Alaska Mission Trip and Vacation Bible School and look ahead to what is planned for fall.

Alaska Mission Trip
By Jasmine Johnson
Returning to Alaska Christian College is like stepping on holy ground, said Pastor Brian Farka. Members of Alexandria Covenant Church have invested in this campus for multiple years. This June, 41 congregants served on the annual mission trip.
Smaller work groups were delegated tasks such as taking trees down, replacing a roof, painting a cabin, plumbing bathrooms, and doing other physically intensive grounds and building maintenance projects around the college’s 50-acre campus.
Sometimes, it may seem as though donating money would be more efficient than sending people out for short-term trips. However, Pastor Brian said it was the combination of fundraising and serving that helped these projects come to fruition. Each individual who went on the Alaska mission trip met or exceeded the fundraising goals and devoted the necessary time and energy to complete tasks. Fundraising covered the cost of building supplies, and volunteer efforts covered the cost of labor.
Everyone contributed by using their various skillsets. One woman’s gift was sewing, so she did so all week. Another individual, who had originally planned to be on thechainsaw crew, ended up being a shop manager because he was flexible and willing to plug in wherever he could serve.
This year was unlike any of the church’s previous trips, as individuals ranging from ages 15 to 80 worked alongside each other. The intergenerational experience of everyone working, playing and worshipping together was a powerful experience, according to Pastor Dave Mergens. There was always someone up and mingling — the night owls enjoying each other’s company in the game room and the early risers going on walks or sipping coffee — which created a constant communal atmosphere.
Looking back on the trip, Pastor Dave said he saw God at work through how He orchestrated all the details: Watching the team bond, observing the quantity of work completed, seeing everyone’s fundraising goals attained, experiencing beautiful weather as well as maintaining everybody’s safety and health.
Coming home to Alexandria after sharing this taste of service, the shared experience among these 41 church members will build a stronger desire to give back in the local community, prompting a renewed spark when they see each other at church services and events. These newly formed relationships have become ongoing reminders of the servant mindset and heart-set they had during the mission trip, bringing greater unity to the church body.

Annual Meeting
This year’s Annual Meeting was held June 27. Many gathered to hear what God has been doing through our church and hear vision for the upcoming year. The 2021-2022 budget was approved which included the hire of a Church Administrator. The search to fill this position is currently underway. Karen Hurlbut, Dan Miller and Chad Molden were voted as new members of the Leadership Team. Thank you to Sarah Abel, Jim Emter and Jeff Scholten for your service on the Leadership Team. Praise God for His continued faithfulness to Alexandria Covenant Church!

Vacation Bible School
254 kids + 130 volunteers + pirates = 1 incredible VBS!
Mystery Island VBS was a great success as kids tracked down the One True God! Pirates, inflatable whales, water balloons, toilet paper shooters, tropical treats, Lighthouse Lessons and a life-sized parrot added to the fun. Volunteers, ages 11-91, served the kids in a variety of roles. Kids generously supported Bread to the Nations by raising $2,600 to send six Haitian children to school. Praise God!
Upcoming Events
Financial Update
2020-2021 Year End Financial Report
- Weekly Ministry Needs – $35,000
- Year End Budget Needs – $1,820,000
- Year End Weekly Giving – $1,723,043

Fall Kickoff
Colored leaves, pumpkin spice lattes and cooler temperatures are all signs of the fall season. At Alexandria Covenant Church, study of the Bible by all ages is added to this list.
Fall is a time of energy and excitement in the life of the church as Sunday School for ages three – adults begins on September 12. Awana and youth groups begin September 15. Small groups will be provided for adults to grow in relationships with each other and with God.
Over 400 volunteers served in the life of the church last year. Would you like to join the team? Volunteers are currently needed to care for the littlest attendees of our church, greet those who enter our building and operate a camera during worship services. Look for a detailed list of needs in the August bulletins or visit to let us know you are interested.
How is God leading you to be involved with the ministry of our church as we love Jesus, become like Jesus and share Jesus with our community and world?
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